F: The Conference is excited to host the launch of Banquet 2010 and Brazen Hussies!!

Brazen Hussies: A Herstory of Radical Activism in the Women’s Liberation Movement in Victoria 1970 –1979
When: Midday - Saturday 10th April
Where: NSW Teachers Federation
This book documents the actions, conferences, collectives, publications and demonstrations that took place to change Melbourne.

BanQuet 2010: A feast of new writing and art by Australian queer women 
Edited by Carson & Dettori
When: 1pm - Sunday 11th April
Where: NSW Teachers Federation

Product detailsPaperback: 108 pages
Publisher: banQuetpress
ISBN: 9780646527444
Trim size: 176 x 250 mm

Sassy, edgy protagonists shove the boundaries of sexuality, gender and convention in these tales of desire, unlikely couplings, jealousy, homecomings and impending catastrophes.

This banQuet of stories and images by emerging writers and artists offers thought-provoking, smile-inducing snapshots of what it is like to be a queer woman in Australia.